Urban Landscape

Week 2's Urban Landscape assignment proved itself to be quite challenging. I struggled immensely in getting good photos due to time constraints, lack of parking, my own personal inability to drive and scope out photo ops simultaneously, and an overall lack of inspiration. My first batch of photos were sad, I was completely discouraged, and the class I had been most excited for became my greatest burden. Once I regrouped, grabbed a partner, and went at it again, the experience was completely different. I had so much fun gathering these photos as I do love taking photos on my own time outside of class. I'm so much happier with how the photos turned out and after editing them, they look even better. They're not my greatest work, but I think they turned out pretty good for the resources available. The photo displayed is one of my favorites from the album. I love the simplicity of it. The sun setting behind the building made for a beautiful ombré blue sky in this image and the contrast between the dark red brick and the blue sky both in the reflection of the windows and behind the building make this photo. The 12mp resolution of my iPhone camera created a pretty good quality photo as well. In editing this picture, I increased the contrast and exposure a bit, but mostly focused on increasing the saturation and vibrance to enhance the colors of the image, as well as increasing the highlights and shadows to make the brick pop a bit more.
